Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Hagga has been a very interesting person in the lives of my batchmates including me. Hagga is not his real name but we call him by this sweet name. A very nice guy who lived next to my room in the 1st year of engineering. We used to play cricket in the wing corridoor which was always full of the waste matters of different kind of animal species - cows being one of them, dogs the other. This kind of cricket attracted a lot of people during the exam times as it helped to relax the mind from the muggoo papers which we had to write. Hagga, afair, was a regular visitor of library in the first year but the frequency reduced drastically with his moving to a new hostel. He was the only guy who could write exams without even taking a nap the previous night. He is a bit nbdu in life :) - though he doesnt agree. The cheerful guy went on to take the management path after realizing the technical world of Cs and Javas doesnt excite him any more. He is a very amiable person and a very good person at heart.

We ended up calling a girl Haggi after we came to know that the guy has a crush on her. Maaf kar dena Hagge.........

Here is a pic of our hagga .


Anonymous said...

thanku dear "churu ke goale" for telling the world more about me :)

Anonymous said...

You are welcome !!!